Will I receive a certificate and ACLEST credit/professional development hours?

Arkansas law enforcement participants who complete the curriculum will receive contact hours of credit from the Arkansas Commission

How do I get help?

For technical questions contact Lynnetta Spicer at [email protected] or 501-570-8085.

Once I am registered for a course and have my login information, how do I access and complete the course?

We are in the process of moving to a new online class system!  Instead of Adobe Connect, we

What are the technical requirements for accessing the online course?

You can access your online course on any computer with an internet connect, except dial-up. Adobe Flash Player

When are the online courses offered?

When you complete your registration form, please indicate which course you want to take and choose from the

How do I register for an online course?

Register just as you would for any CJI course by completing an online registration form. We will send you

Who can take these online courses?

ACSS online courses are available to Arkansas certified law enforcement officers, SROs, and K-12 educators. We also offer