Image of a light hanging from the ceiling highlighting the words, "SRO Spotlight."

Law Enforcement Agency: Crossett Police Department

How long have you worked in law enforcement? 21 years – 10 years as an SRO

Why did you become an SRO?  I had been working on the streets for 12 years and was getting burned out. I really needed a change. We had an opening come up for an SRO at the high school, so I applied.

What school/school district do you currently serve? Crossett High School in the Crossett School District

What do you find most challenging about working on a school campus? Kids having a preconceived notion about police officers. Getting the kids to trust me and see me as a human being.

What do you find most rewarding about working on a school campus? Kids, teachers, parents and staff telling me how safe and happy they feel with me at school. Also, former students telling me how I was a positive influence on them.

What has surprised you the most about working with kids? That kids really are not that different than when I was a kid. Adults are different.

Are there any programs/techniques that you feel have been helpful and effective in creating a safe learning environment? I just try to be visible in the hallways, cafeteria and all over the school.

What advice would you give to a first-year SRO? Be seen. Interact with the kids. Leave the streets on the street. Forget every negative think you have heard about kids.

What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working? Spending time with my family, watching football and reading.

If you weren’t a police officer, what would you be doing instead? No clue but I always wanted to coach football.


Do you know a School Resource Officer who should be featured in our SRO Spotlight? Let us know! Contact Vicki French at [email protected] or 501-570-8098.