Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct (ASM) in the School Setting – Train-the-Educator (TtE)
While schools are the safest place for children, the threat of adult sexual misconduct (ASM) in the school setting by educators, administrators, staff members, volunteers, or other members of the school community against a student is present. In order to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from ASM and suspected incidents of ASM, schools should create a comprehensive school emergency operations plan (EOP) that contains an ASM Annex.
This training is intended to help prepare schools and school districts to create comprehensive policies and procedures within their EOPs for preventing and addressing ASM in schools. The training curriculum was developed using the most recent research and trends in ASM, published in A Training Guide of Administrators and Educators on Addressing Adult Sexual Misconduct in the School Setting. In order to prevent incidents or allegations of sexual misconduct, it is important for all school personnel to demonstrate appropriate behavior, and to recognize questionable behavior before an incident occurs.
The intended audiences for this training are those with a role in creating policies and procedures for preventing and addressing ASM in schools, including, but not limited to: School district and school administrators, human resource directors, legal counsel representatives, educators, support staff, and members of an EOP planning team.
• This class is 7 hours.
• Class hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
• This class is available at no charge.
• Download the flyer (when available).