Logo with the word 'GENIUS' in blue below an orange stylized light bulb icon.

We are excited to announce that self-registration for all ACSS classes (both in-person and online) will begin on February 1, 2024.

We recently purchased a new student management system (SMS) called Genius. Genius includes a self-registration feature and will give you expanded access to your training records online.

Below is important information that you need to know when registering for both in-person and online classes.

Registering Through Genius

Our Course Catalog will look the same, but you will notice a difference when you click on the “Register Now” button.  Instead of filling out a registration form, you will be asked to either log into Genius or create an account. Once you log in, you will see another screen with the course description and a button to confirm your registration request.

 (NOTE: Registration requests and account requests must still be approved before access to classes is granted.  If we require additional information concerning your registration request or account request, we will contact you.)

Once the enrollment process is completed, you should see the course appear in your Learner’s Dashboard.

Unique Learner’s Dashboard

As you complete your courses, you can also make use of your Genius Learner’s Dashboard to help you navigate through your courses and get valuable data about your progress, performance and engagement.

If you need to cancel a registration, this can easily be done on your dashboard. In addition, you can download class certificates upon completion of a class and can also see a complete listing of all of the classes you have completed through the Center.

Genius will also make it much easier to update your information, such as email/address changes or agency/school transitions, without waiting for staff assistance.

Getting Started in Genius

To get started, you will need to have an account on our Genius Portal:

If you have taken any class at the Arkansas Center for School Safety, you should have a Genius account.

If you don’t know your login or password, you can follow recovery steps online or contact us at [email protected].


 We want this to be a good experience for you. If you need any assistance while navigating this new system, please do not hesitate to contact us @ [email protected].