Our SRO Spotlight is on RANDI BOWLAN
Name: Randi Bowlan
Law Enforcement Agency:
Carlisle Police Department
How long have you worked in law enforcement?
19 years
What school/school district do you currently serve?
Carlisle School District
Why did you become an SRO?
I became an SRO to help keep the kids and staff of our school district safe. I also wanted to be a good influence and a positive role model for the youth in my community. I felt that our kids needed to know that they could trust law enforcement and know that they would always have someone that would be willing to be in their corner when they needed someone.
What do you find most challenging about working on a school campus?
One of the most challenging things about working on a school campus is when you have built a relationship with a kid that you end up having to arrest. Officers not on campus usually just see them as someone that broke the law but I see them as one of my kids that I’m having to punish in one of the worst ways possible. They know I have to do my job and I will, but it is still hard.
What do you find most rewarding about working on a school campus?
I think the most rewarding thing about working on campus is being able to build a relationship with all of the kids in our district. I am able to begin building a relationship with them from Pre-K because I am our district SRO. I begin to see these kids as “my” kids and I love them all.
What has surprised you the most about working with kids?
Since working in the school district, I have been surprised by the fact that so many parents allow their kids to witness them breaking the law. Also, that so many adults teach kids how to lie and steal. I am surprised that there are kids that really don’t know the difference between right and wrong when they go to school and they have to be taught that at school.
Are there any programs/techniques that you feel have been helpful and effective in creating a safe learning environment?
One technique I use that I feel has helped create a safe learning environment is staying seen. It is important for everyone to know that you are there and actively involved with the students. Also, getting into classrooms when it is possible. We also have assemblies and have open discussions with the students as much as possible.
What advice would you give to a first-year SRO?
Keep your head up. The battle can seem hard at first. Getting some of the kids to trust you will seem almost impossible, but keep working. They have built walls but most of them really want someone to just love them and they are scared to let anyone in.
What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working?
I enjoy time with my family doing almost anything outdoors. My most favorite thing to do is watch my son play baseball or taking him to a Razorback or Cardinals game. I also love to watch football.
If you weren’t a police officer, what would you be doing instead?
I have never really thought about that. I have always known I would be in law enforcement of some form. I did consider child psychology at one point of my life though.
Do you know a School Resource Officer who should be featured in our SRO Spotlight? Let us know!
Contact Keith Graham at [email protected] or 501-570-8098.