Name: Overton Hesler

Law Enforcement Agency:
Springdale Police Department

How long have you worked in law enforcement?
16 years

What school/school district do you currently serve?
Springdale School District

What do you find most challenging about working on a school campus?
Having to juggle multiple schools and other responsibilities outside of the schools.

What do you find most rewarding about working on a school campus?
Getting to know the kids and seeing them succeed through the years and progress in their education.

What has surprised you the most about working with kids?
The variety of personalities that exist within the public schools.

Are there any programs/techniques that you feel have been helpful and effective in creating a safe learning environment?
The Springdale CSSO program.

What advice would you give to a first-year SRO? 
Get out of the office and get to know the staff and students at your school. Have a friendly, outgoing demeanor and be approachable.

What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working?
Traveling, anything outdoors, and watching my kids sporting events.

If you weren’t a police officer, what would you be doing instead?
Something outdoors that involves hard work.

Do you know a School Resource Officer who should be featured in our SRO Spotlight? Let us know!

Contact Keith Graham at [email protected] or 501-570-8098.