SRO De'Andra Warren reading a book to an elementary class.

Law Enforcement Agency: Wynne Police Department

How long have you worked in law enforcement? 10 years

Why did you become an SRO?
I became an SRO to try and shine a positive light on a profession that has been criticized. Because of the actions and bad decisions of others, I want our students to see that in spite of what they see and hear on TV, social media, etc. that all law enforcement officers are not bad.

What school/school district do you currently serve?
Wynne Public School District

What do you find most challenging about working on a school campus?
I would have to say for me there is nothing I find challenging because I don’t see it as working—I see it as bridge building. My main focus is to try to bridge the gap between law enforcement and school while protecting the most important gifts that God has entrusted us with as a District.

What do you find most rewarding about working on a school campus?
The most rewarding thing for me is knowing that, as an SRO, I am making a difference in the lives of our students.

What has surprised you the most about working with kids?
The most surprising thing about working with kids, especially K-2, is that you never know what they are going to ask you.

Are there any programs/techniques that you feel have been helpful and effective in creating a safe learning environment?
The access to knowledge I receive when attending the Arkansas Safe School Conference, online CJI classes, active shooter training etc. have been very instrumental to me in creating a safe learning environment for our students.

What advice would you give to a first-year SRO?
Have fun and enjoy being a light for law enforcement officers by being the best “you” because your character and integrity is all you’ve got.

What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working?
I enjoy being with family, church, studying God’s Word and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you weren’t a police officer, what would you be doing instead?
I would probably still be working for the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department and ministering at New Mount Zion MB Church in Jonesboro, Arkansas, where I currently Pastor.

Do you know a School Resource Officer who should be featured in our SRO Spotlight? Let us know!

Contact Stacey Ball at [email protected] or 501-570-8079.