Graphic advertising the new downloadable training module: Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct in the School Setting.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS) and the REMS TA Center are pleased to provide a NEW, downloadable training module for K-12 school safety teams, leaders, and trainers to use for providing training and TA on the topic of Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct (ASM) in the School Setting. This module and its materials are intended for you to use to deliver in-person or online trainings to your colleagues and/or site and to support your training programs.

This 90-minute training module aims to help schools and school districts develop a greater understanding of ASM in the school setting in order to enhance their preparedness and better protect their students. Learn how to write clear policies and procedures on preventing and addressing ASM, with considerations for how technology impacts the social context of ASM, as well as integrate them into your emergency operations plan and implement them at your site.

The intended audience includes personnel at public and nonpublic schools and school districts, state/regional education agency personnel, and school safety partners. This module consists of the following materials:

  • Training presentation materials, including speaker notes, for school safety teams and practitioners to use to deliver trainings to the whole school community or learn on their own.
  • Training instructions to help you deliver this module to your colleagues.
  • Resource list for additional information and resources related to the topic.

Download your kit today.