The safety of children in our schools is of great importance to us as a society, as members of a community, as school administrators, as law enforcement officers, and as family members and friends of those in school settings.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there were 37 active shooter incidents at elementary and secondary schools and 15 active shooter incidents at postsecondary institutions from 2000 to 2017.
Active shooter events are typically difficult to predict and unfold rapidly. Preparedness is key to crafting a unified, appropriate response when crisis occurs. ACSS’s Active Shooter training programs are designed to help both educators and law enforcement respond should an active shooter event occur on their school campus.
Active Shooter/Rapid Response Training Level 1, Active Shooter/Rapid Response Training Level II, and Solo Engagement Response to an Active Killer are available for certified law enforcement officers only. However, Active Killer: Response for Educators has been designed to provide educators and others working in an educational setting with information to better prepare for and respond to an active killer event.
We have an additional training that is FREE to any requesting school/school district in the State. Built on the Avoid, Deny, Defend strategy, our Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) training provides strategies, guidance and a plan for surviving an active shooter event. The training features reality-based scenarios that allow school personnel to directly participate in drills. Having the opportunity to practice a variety of active shooter events on their home campus will give educators the opportunity to identify potential problem areas while also feeling better prepared should an active shooter event ever occur.
All scheduled and non-scheduled Active Shooter-Killer courses are listed below for you to review the course descriptions.
Active Killer: Response for Educators
Active Shooter/Rapid Response Training Level I
Active Shooter/Rapid Response Training Level II
Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE)
Introduction to Active Killer Response for Educators Online
Solo Engagement Response to an Active Killer