Basic Mental Health Awareness for Educational Staff
The Arkansas Center for School Safety is now offering Basic Mental Health Awareness for Educational Staff Online, a 1-hour online course designed by professionals in the field to help those that work within the educational setting understand the basic concepts around mental health.
This will enable staff to assist in referring a child of concern to mental health professionals in the district. The earlier a condition of any type that interferes with learning is recognized, the less negative the impact on a child’s academic achievement and the more positive their school experience.
This course will cover the six common groups of disorders that affect children and youth as well as some signs and symptoms to look for when working with this age population. In addition, participants will get a better understanding of what educators may see in the classroom as well as strategies to assist when working with students.
Finally, the course will offer some resources to help participants understand what to do to ensure youth get the help that some may need.
This FREE training benefits School Resource Officers, District Safety and Security Teams, School Safety Coordinators, School Administrators and other School Staff.
August 16-22
September 13-19
October 13-19
November 15-21
December 13-19
For more information, contact Vicki French at 501-570-8098.