• Mar 13, 2025 - Mar 14, 2025
  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Northwest AR Education Service Cooperative

This course is designed for K-12 school districts to develop, implement, and write their emergency response plans based on Emergency Preparedness best practices and FEMA guidelines to meet state and federal mandates.  This course material can also be used by daycares, preschools, businesses, municipalities, and county emergency managers to develop their emergency response plans. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the planning process, writing and developing emergency procedures, planning exercises to test emergency plans, and specific responses to unique incidents.  Participants should be prepared for a full 16 hours of in-class work and pre-course work before they attend the class.  After the course, participants will leave with an emergency response plan working draft for their own respective agencies or school districts and have the tools to implement their plans.  Participants can also update an existing plan during the course as well.